Sunday, November 4, 2012

Virtually private

I've been getting a lot of friend requests on Facebook recently. Some from people I don't really know. Some are professional contacts that I've done business with in the past . And others are people that I've kept at an arms length for personal reasons.

I have a specific persona that I conduct through my Facebook account. Imagine it is similar to my blog, but with less censorship. I admit I use profanity and even partake of a guilty pleasure or two. The point is that I am not accepting all friend requests, because I don't want everyone to know me on a personal level.

I have said it time and again and I will continue to believe in this. My Facebook is reserved for my closest friends only. If you do not have my phone number, or if you do and I don't answer your calls; then you will not be granted access to that area of my life. It's nothing personal, just a personal choice.

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