Monday, November 26, 2012

First Imperial Dreadnought Class Warship

A medium sized vessel with frightening firepower.
Introduced during the closing days of the war. This warship was one of many that comprised the First Imperial Fleet of Aerial Warships (First Fleet for short). Estro never intended his published discoveries to become such tools of death, but Tiberius always had a passion for ambition and conquest.

I won't spoil any of the story by elaborating how this terrifying ship ceased to exist, nor why another like it was never again built, but lets just say it went out with a bang.

You'll notice that this vessel lacks the balloon's that are a major part of the Daedalus' profile. Tiberius never cared about the environment or the damage his fleet could cause to it. The simple truth was that having the ship completely outfitted with high yield turbines granted it better mobility. Anyone who knows about war will agree that this is a key fundamental to a successful offense.

I'm surprised I was able to knock this one out in only a couple of hours. Probably because I've come to terms with the direction of the Airships in my story.

There will be more to come.

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