Saturday, November 3, 2012

Constant improvement

As most of you know by now. I am once again delving into web design. Most of my close friends and family know my personal feelings on the subject, but some things are better left unsaid.

I will admit that I have never aspired to be a master web designer. Clearly, there are people with a much higher aptitude for writing code. I will say this, however; I am ascending beyond my previous understanding of it. As I work on the third version of my portfolio website I am embracing more challenging concepts.

Luckily whatever knowledge I had absorbed over the years has managed to linger. I can remember the basics of HTML, CSS, PHP and even some of the fundamentals of Actionscript. I am finding similarities in the more flexible languages and I know that with time and perseverance I will only become better.

My goal is not to commit myself entirely to Web Design. I am only doing this for the income. I have already surpassed my initial goal with regards to my own portfolio site; doing things with the interface I had never attempted (including animating elements using only code).

I am carefully considering plans to expand the layout into a multiple page format, but that will have to wait. There is no need for such an ambitious website for me. Not yet. I can say this though. When the time comes for me to offer more content, whether it be related to my book or artwork. I will tackle the challenge head on.

Now I only have 1 more thing to fix and then I'll hang up the Web Design gloves until a paying job lands in my lap. I have an new goal already cooking in my head. More on that in a couple weeks.

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