Saturday, November 24, 2012

Post, post Turkey Day

I didn't blog the last few days for two reasons.

1. My computer was unplugged and the components scattered about the floor in my office. This was due to the fact that I had moved it downstairs to hook it up to the living room TV in order to watch the Kings basketball game a few days go. They lost. So it was kind of a wasted effort.

2. The day I was planning on hooking everything back up was the day that Jamie came back from Henderson with a 16 foot U'Haul truck full of furniture and other things that needed to be unloaded. It took the better part of a week to move everything.

And then Thanksgiving showed up. So long story short. I finally got my "rig" back in working order and I plan on making the most of it in the next couple of days.

I'm getting the itch to draw and I'm also going to get back to work on my website. It looks like there is a strong possibility that I may end up getting the funds together to get the domain and hosting locked down.

I need to get some work done on the book and I'm also going to revisit the Commonwealth from Peter F. Hamilton's books. Some of my fan art is still showed on his blog and it's about time I contribute another piece.

There is also a contest through Deviant Art that I'm considering participating in. More on that in a few days.

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