Friday, October 26, 2012

New direction

I've been reading Brian Selznick's new book, Wonder Struck, and am completely blown away by the shear amount of pictures he included in his creation. They outnumber pages with written words 4 to 1. That being said I have been inspired to follow in his footsteps; albeit in a different direction.

So I have scrapped the original art style I decided on. Mainly because it would require a lot more time to design and render the illustrations. The new style is more "sketchy." And not to say it's lower quality. The best description is that it will look like artwork in an earlier stage of development.

I have promised myself that if, after I finish illustrating the entire book, I feel the illustrations need more attention; I may end up giving them a second or third pass.

Below is an example of the art style.

This was a study I did based this concept. You can see how I'm taking the shaded sections and grouping them into black. I like the style I know it's extreme, but in a way it allows for more of the reader's imagination to own the experience of reading my novel.

This was a study I did based on  Burt Wesley's  early Dishonored concepts.

This drawing is actually based on my existing design for the character Keeno. You'll notice this guy has a tail and is wielding a Bo Staff.

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