Monday, December 3, 2012

Daedalus Floor Plans

So I've spent quite a few days plotting out rough floor plans for the Daedalus Airship. I'm no architect, but I've done a lot of research and maritime vessels don't have overly complicated floor plans. Come to think of it. Floor plans in general are pretty simple. Just lines for walls and some simple door graphics, and stairs.

I didn't go into detail about the furnishings, but that's something I can work out in SketchUp.

Here's the side view of the the ship. I drew this over the top of the sketch from last week.

The Upper Deck is where the bridge(pilot room) and Estro's Room are located.

The First Deck is where Estro's personal lab and the Captain's quarters are located. Which presents a new character that I never wrote about. The Captain of the Daedalus. I'm going to have to brainstorm about this person.

The Second Deck holds the Water Filtration system, Anaya's room and some special guest rooms.

Deck Three has a upper half of the Engine Room and half of the states rooms.

Deck Four has the lower half of the Engine room and the rest of the states rooms.

Deck Five has the Armor, the upper science/research labs, two mess halls, the lounge, galley(kitchen), and pantry.

Deck Six has the briefing room, the lower science/research labs, the hospital, and six recovery rooms for injured or sick.

Deck Seven is the lowest deck and has Stern deployment(used for Men at Arms), four holds, and a large loading bay.

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